Project’s description

Project id: 2020-1-PL01-KA203-081784

Project acronym: TED

Project fullname: Teaching Digital Entrepreneurship

Project duration: 1.09.2020–31.8.2023 (3 years)

Project key phases:

I Phase. Building a new teaching methodology .

1. Planning and developing methodological teaching guidelines for DE.
2. Writing the textbook “Doing business digitally” (for teachers and students).
3. Creating casebook “How to do business in digital era?” (for teachers and students).
4. Planning and developing a new course (curriculum ) about DE.

II Phase. Teachers and students preparation, modular course testing

1. Workshop training for teachers.
2. Workshop training for teachers.
3. Short term training for students.

III Phase. Dissemination

1.Seminar 1 “Lessons learned in teaching digital entrepreneurship”.
2. Seminar 2 “Lessons learned in teaching digital entrepreneurship”.
3. Seminar 3 “Lessons learned in teaching digital entrepreneurship”.
4. Final conference.